
Things You Need to Know about Paris

Thursday, December 14, 2006


And now we know why the Hotel Lutetia has its name.

Paris was originally called "Lutetia," and consisted of a small enclave on the island where Notre Dame stands today. Parisians were called "Lutetians."

Sometimes change is good. "Evening in Lutetia" jus doesn't have the same ring to it.

And thus endeth the lesson for today.


Blogger Jim Mall said...

Hi Vicky,
Your my favorite books list does not contain Kiki's Paris. I hope that you've read it, or more accurately, looked at it, since it's ninety percent photographs. But what photographs! And it's also a comprehensive history of Montparnasse.
Next time you get all the way into Chicago from wherever please stop in my bookstore and browse the travel section. Kiki won't be there but maybe you'll find something new ( to you, that is, since they're all used ).
A bientot,

8:51 AM  
Blogger Jules said...

Hi Vicky thanks for you nice remarks at Rabaul D P

I adore Paris so have lost myself in your blog - wonderful!!!!

8:28 PM  
Blogger Tomate Farcie said...

I saw your comment at PDP and wanted to send you my all best wishes for the best possible recovery.

2:02 AM  

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